Saturday, August 21, 2010

2010 calves continued....

Another 707T out of a heifer I bought from Sharon Moore in Montana
707T out of a Gold Eagle cow I bought from Shadybrook Farm in Canada.

It sounds like a broken record but another 707T this time back to a Haumont bred cow. Her mother has never missed.

RB Eagle 255 back to a Powerstroke mamma. Haven't ever had a bad one out of this cow and she sure has done well with this gal.

Here's the heifer bull we have been waiting for... He's out of our calving ease bull Absolute Power out of an Absolute Power first calf heifer. The grandam is a Haumont female that is already line bred. Lots of predictability here and a look to match.

Another look at the bull calf!

Friday, August 20, 2010

2010 Calves

Jake's Proud Jazz Steer with Byland Dazzler Mamma

707T steer out of ADS Lusture

707T bull out of a Powerstroke Cow. Possible Mn State Sale entry. Red, polled and a meatwagon...

707T heifer calf out of a Ultra 49J daughter. Lots of roan and look.

Sold to Colt Johnson, Thanks Colt!

707T heifer out of a Deerhorn bred Mamma. Lots of solid red hefer calves with the same look as this gal.

Absolute Power out of a Haumont cow from Broken Bow NE. This is what we have been working towards. Lots of rib, growth and a cool look. Out of a young cow with a bright future.

I will be posting more pics as the weather (and my camera) allow. Please refer to the Sires page to take a look at 707T and Absolute Power.