Friday, December 12, 2014

2015 Bred Heifer Offering

The chart speaks for itself.    The plus females are like peas in a pod.  All out of the same Norseman King son and solid Shorthorn Mamma's.  Most of them are solid red with a couple showing some roan.  I am asking $2800 for them in December with the price going up as they get closer to calving and we have more feed invested. 

The purebred Red Angus is a solid female but we decided to breed her Shorthorn as we have been so happy with the cross.

I will be putting one of the purebred Shorthornns in the Mn Shorthorn Sale and have them priced higher than the plus heifers.  Let me know if you have any questions.

2015 North Star Classic - Valley City ND

Once again we made the trip to Valley.  Good weather and good times T showed two plus heifers.  The pic is of one of our consignments to the 2015 Mn Shorthorn Sale - March 8, 2015 at Simon Arena in Cannon Falls MN.  She's a March 2014 Hardcore (maine) out of a white Prince of Jazz female. Broke and ready to go and should get 'bluer' as she ages!!


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

2014 Dakota County Fair

Purebred Simmental bull calf.  Class winner prospect calves.
The Dakota county fair was here and gone for 2014.  Tiana had a really nice fair starting out with the cow/calf and feeder calf show.  Her bull calf won his class and she competed well in showmanship.  She then had the beef show with her two heifers and Shorthorn plus steer.  She ended up 10th overall with her steer and 12th with her Simmental heifer.  The next day she had the swine show where she really shined!  Champion breeding gilt, reserve champion market gilt, reserve interview and reserve showmanship plus a class winner with her lightweight cross barrow.  She's headed to state fair with her steer and will also compete in the Jr. Barrow show and FFA/open class beef weekend.  After that here comes school!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

MN State Sale and Bred Heifer Pics

Worked up a couple of entries to the Minnesota State Shorthorn Sale. (Simon Arena in Cannon Falls MN first weekend in March)  We also pictured other females we would be interested in selling right off the farm.  Let me know what you if you are interested.

Minnesota State Sale Entries:

219z - BSF Fresh Prince times Byland Dazzler 1AW
bred to Creole 135

232z - BSF Fresh Prince times Shorthorn Plus (Alta Cedar Samuri X Red Angus)
bred to Kiwaliks Velvet Leader

313a  - BSF Northern King (Red Angus by Norseman King) times NFS New Alliance
open Shorthorn Plus heifer
For Sale off the Farm
I have a few more bred heifers for sale same as the listing in the last post.  Tried to get more pics but this one will have to do for now.
209z bred heifer- See listing in Previous Post.

Also have a nice set of half sibs to the open heifer we are selling on the state sale.  Here are a few pics of them.

Open heifers by Northen King (Red Angus Bull)

Northern King daughter

Northern King daughter

Just for fun...

Tiana and Ben (new bull calf purchased from Tramm Shorthorns)
As you can see he's pretty easy going.