Thursday, September 19, 2013

2013 Pig Project

This year again we raised our own show pigs, and did very well.  My niece Annabelle did good, she got 3rd with her market gilt, and last with the barrow but the barrow is a crossbred that looks like the kind of pig i showed when i was in 4-H, but she did awesome in the auction!  Tiana got Reserve Champion Breeding Gilt and Show person, and also got Champion Swine Intermediate Interview. Also got 3rd with her Purebred Hampshire barrow, she was going to take him to the Minnesota State Fair but he injured his leg, so she took her breeding gilt.  She got 6th place for 4-H, which was amazing because her class had about 20 gilts in it.  Then we took that same breeding gilt to FFA and also a market gilt that we got from Nick Janak.  The breeding gilt got 4th in her class, then the market gilt didn't place.

This was Tiana's gray belted barrow she named Willy Wonka!
These are all of our crossbred pigs, that were out of T's old sow that she showed up at the
 Minnesota State Fair. 

Tiana and Tweety!

 After we bought this heifer at the MN State Shorthorn Sale, from Vogel Shorthorn Farm, we took her to the Minnesota Junior Spring Classic, and ended up getting Reserve Shorthorn Plus female.  Even though it was a very cold MJSC this year it was still fun being up there seeing all the other different heifers and even steers.

 Then this summer we took Tiana to the Shorthorn Junior Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa.  That is one amazing show with all the activities for those kids to do.  We did okay with T's Shorthorn Plus female "Tweety", she did amazing in Showmanship, and learned a lot of new things she can do for showmanship  to fitting and even judging.  Here are some pictures of T showing.  Also at our Dakota County Fair Tiana got Reserve Show person with the heifer.  Now she is out in the pasture enjoying being retired, for now.  Tiana would like to show her as cow calf sometime.
At Junior Nationals