Friday, December 12, 2014

2015 Bred Heifer Offering

The chart speaks for itself.    The plus females are like peas in a pod.  All out of the same Norseman King son and solid Shorthorn Mamma's.  Most of them are solid red with a couple showing some roan.  I am asking $2800 for them in December with the price going up as they get closer to calving and we have more feed invested. 

The purebred Red Angus is a solid female but we decided to breed her Shorthorn as we have been so happy with the cross.

I will be putting one of the purebred Shorthornns in the Mn Shorthorn Sale and have them priced higher than the plus heifers.  Let me know if you have any questions.

2015 North Star Classic - Valley City ND

Once again we made the trip to Valley.  Good weather and good times T showed two plus heifers.  The pic is of one of our consignments to the 2015 Mn Shorthorn Sale - March 8, 2015 at Simon Arena in Cannon Falls MN.  She's a March 2014 Hardcore (maine) out of a white Prince of Jazz female. Broke and ready to go and should get 'bluer' as she ages!!