Tuesday, January 9, 2018

2018 Cattle Offering

Normally I would be posting pictures of bred and open heifers we were consigning at the Minnesota Shorthorn Sale.  This past year was very successful in terms of marketing females so I didn't have many open heifers to make into bred heifers!  Good problem to have!  We do have some 2017 born  heifer calves mostly sired by TS Ben Cartwright (Bonanza Son)  Here are some examples:

Ben C. times Fresh Prince
Ben C. times 80c
We also have a nice set of Fall born heifer calves out of a bull which originated with Haumont Shorthorns in Nebraska.  They are still on the cow so I will post pictures later.

2018 Beef and Pork Orders

I would like to Thank all of our customers that purchased beef and pork from our farm.  We really appreciate not only your business but your confidence in what we are raising!!

Thank you!!!!
We are now taking orders for 2018.

  1. Two beef going in February 22nd - Three quarters remaining
  2. Two beef going in March 22nd - all available

  1. We are long ways away from August but its not too early to plan ahead!  I would like a $50 deposit on a pig and I will guarantee on for August delivery.

As always we will be using Lonsdale Country Market for our beef.  We can try a different processor for the pigs if requests are made and I can get appointments.