Friday, February 18, 2011

Bred Female Offering

I have posetd a new page with complete with pictures of our 2011 Bred Heifer Offering.  Feel free to e-mail me or give me a call with any questions.  Thank you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Minnesota State Sale 2011 Results

It was a beatuful day for a sale at Simon Arena in Cannon Falls, Minnesota.  The cattle looked great with a few less numbers than last year and it translated into an excellent sale with averages well above past years.

We spoke with a lot of folks about our sale entries and really appreciate all of the interest.  Look for us for your needs in 2012!

Our entries sold well with the Lot 30 bred heifer selling to Darold Krzmarzick of Sleepy Eye, MN who is a repeat buyer of ours having bought the top seller in the State sale in 2008, Thanks Darold!

The Lot 34 bred sold to Jeff Bock of Spring Valley, WI.  Jeff is new to the Shorthorn breed and was very impressed with how the sale was conducted and is excited to start raising Shorthorns.  Thank you Jeff!

We also have a set of bred females we are selling off of the farm.  Take a look at the following table and send me an e-mail if you are interested.

We also have a nice set of open females for sale as well.